I've been interested in exploring ideas for a long time. But have never considered myself a "writer".
In school, English took more effort than Science and Math, and I was more analytical than I was expressive — so naturally considered myself "Left-Brained".
In a sense I think this framework of “Left vs Right" brain justifies not expressing a more holistic life expression... so I've largely pulled away from the idea.
Because “I'm not a writer", I’ve explored ideas in the form of conversation rather than writing.
One-on-one vs to a large group.
Temporary vs permanent.
There is a feeling of exposure with writing. Of vulnerability.
"Am I the kind of person who would do this?"
"Does this fit the mental image people have of me?"
Lately I've been looking for ways to take my thinking & idea processes to the next level — and have paused at 'writing as thinking'. I like the idea.
But, "I'm not a writer".
It was then I realized that my identity was getting in the way of my expression.
I get to choose who I am and how I show up in the world.
Labels carry incredible weight if you're not careful. Choose them wisely, if at all.
I made a decision to be the kind of person who would write. Who would publish. Who would share ideas.
That shift in identity created the space for change. For growth. For expansion.
So I've decided to write to develop my thoughts, to challenge myself, to push my identity, and to do more of what I love — communicating with others about ideas.

Identity is at the core of behavior change. Source: James Clear
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You're an absolute delight my friend! Keep smiling 😃, keep thinking 💭, keep writing ✍🏼
Thanx for putting it out there!
I was pondering to write in public for more than 6 months now! this post is inspiring! Thank you!